Scientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary

A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület tudományos folyóirata

Ornis Hungarica. vol.29(2). (2021) p.167-176.

Algerian Nuthatch (Sitta ledanti Vielliard, 1976): Current challenges of an endemic species
Souad Hamitouche & Abdelazize Franck Bougaham

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The Algerian Nuthatch (Sitta ledanti) is the emblematic bird species of Kabylia of Babors. It is a medium-sized passerine bird species of the Sittidae family. Jean-Paul Ledant discovered this species in October 1975, on the Babor Mountain. Twelve other forests in North-East Algeria has been discovered as breeding sites. These are the forests of the Babors region, in Kabylia. The Algerian Nuthatch was observed mainly in oak, cedar and pine habitats. It is mainly granivorous in winter and an insectivorous in spring/summer or breeding season, which starts in March and can last until July. The incubation period lasts from 14 to 17 days, with clutches of six eggs. The Algerian Nuthatch is listed as an endangered species by IUCN and is protected by the Algerian laws. However, many threats to the environment, such as tree felling and fires, are threatening the species.