Scientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary

A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület tudományos folyóirata

Tables of contents (download full articles)

1 Erdős Sarolta: The effect of grazing on the nest success of Skylark (Alauda arvensis) in an alkaline grassland of the Kiskunság
7 Benkő Zsuzsanna, Farkas Roland, Tóth Zoltán és Pásztor Erzsébet: Effects of experimental nest cooling on the behaviour and body mass of female Great Tits (Parus major) during the brooding period
19 Andrési Pál és Galiba Ferenc: Breeding of the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in South Hungary
25 Gyurácz József, Bánhidi Péter és Gyimóthy Zsuzsanna: Habitat choice and dynamics of migrating populations of the Robin (Erithacus rubecula) during the autumn migration season
35 Zsolt Végvári and Ottó Weszelinov: Habitat selection of migrating waders in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary
45 Riezing Norbert: Bird faunas of native and non-native forests: a comparative study
59 Rékási József: Data on avian lice (Phthiraptera) of birds medicated at the Hortobagy Raptor Rehabilitation Center
63 Farkas Roland: Research on bird migration and environmental education in the Bódva-valley
71 Albert László és Szinai Péter: Report on the latest results of Mute Swann (Cygnus olor) research in Hungary
73 Bakacsi Gábor és Széll Antal: Population changes in Mediterranean Gulls (Larus melanocephalus) in Europe
75 Báldi András: The effects of changes in agriculture on birds: a review for Europe and Hungary
77 Csörgő Tibor, Halmos Gergő és Lóránt Miklós: Differences between reed warblers cought by standard methods and artificial calls
79 Csörgő Tibor és Takács Noémi: Post-juvenil and post-nuptial moult in woodpeckers
81 Csörgő Tibor és Tóth András: Effects of climate change on the timing of migration in passerine birds
83 Daróczi J. Szilárd és Zeitz Róbert: The expansion of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Romania
85 Domahidi Zoltán, Zeitz Róbert, Daróczi J. Szilárd és Komáromi István: The results of raptor migration research in Dobrogea
87 Elekes Péter és Klein Ákos: New methods in the conservation of Barn Owls: division of towers and erecting nest boxes on poles
89 Gyurácz József: Monitoring of the effects of wind-farms on bird populations
91 Gyüre Péter, Juhász Lajos és Nagy Géza: Population size and species composition of migrating geese on the Hortobágy
93 Hegyi Zoltán: Sex-skewing depending on female condition in the broods of Tawny Owls, Strix aluco
95 Juhász Lajos és Antal Zsuzsanna: Population dynamic examinations at a nest box colony
97 Kovács Gyula: South Balaton Bird Monitoring
99 Kovács Gyula: Old-grown oak forests in the lower Danube valley
101 Králl Attila, Karcza Zsolt, Németh Ákos, Lóránt Miklós, Madarász Boglárka, Biró Csaba és Csörgő Tibor: Migration dynam- ics and moult in Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon)
103 Laczik Dénes és Pellinger Attila: Autumn migration of Dunlin (Calidris alpina) at Mekszikópuszta, North- west Hungary
105 Lovászi Péter: Feeding behaviour of Red-Backed Shrike pairs in the Medves-plateau, northern Hungary
107 Lovászi Péter: Conservation aspects of nest site selection of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
109 Mátrai Norbert, Gyurácz József és Bank László: Migration dynamics, fat reserves, and wing morphology in the Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) during the autumn migration
111 Mészáros Anita, Tóth Zoltán és Pásztor Erzsébet: A study of the relationship between clutch size optimalization and female body mass in Great Tits (Parus major)
113 Munkácsy Gyöngyi, Horváth Veronika, Mészáros Anita, Tóth Zoltán és Pásztor Erzsébet: Characreristics of feeding activity in Great Tits (Parus major)
115 Pellinger Attila: Breeding and migration of waterbirds on the segregation pools of the sugerworks at Petőháza
117 Pellinger Attila és Ferenczi Márta: The migration of Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) in Hunagary
119 Pellinger Attila, Roth Matthaea, Váczi Miklós és Jánoska Ferenc: Problems associated with wind farm establishments on the Small Hungarian Plain
121 Pellinger Attila, Takács Gábor és Kozma László: The effects of wetland restoration on waterbird populations in Nyirkai-Hany
123 Pigniczki Csaba, Karcza Zsolt és Halmos Gergő: First results of Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) colour-ring- ing project in Hungary between 2003 and 2004
125 Potyó Imre, Horváth Veronika, Tóth Zoltán és Pásztor Erzsébet: The effects of a nest predator on the feeding activity of parent Great Tits
127 Riezing Norbert: Large-scale grid mapping of bird populations in Kisalföld region (Hungary)
129 Serfőző József: Population survey and conservation of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) in eastern Borsod- Abaúj-Zemplén county between 1994-2004
131 Tőgye János és Vasas András: Migration of waterbirds on the Biharugra fishponds
133 Váczi Miklós: Data on the status of some rare bird species from the Kisalföld region

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