1 | Szép Tibor: New methods and possibilities in bird monitoring |
17 | Bánszegi Zita, Báldi András és Bankovics Attila: Species-area relationship and nestedness in nature reserves |
27 | Firmánszky Gábor és Frank Tamás: Incorporation of ornitological research results in longterm forestry management plans |
35 | Juhász Lajos & Kozák Lajos: Results of nesting and the destroying factors of nests in a bird community breeding in artificial nestboxes |
41 | Fazekas Anna és Báldi András: Nest predation experiments in the Tököl forest, Central-Hungary: the role of edges |
49 | Moskát Csaba: Hosts of the Common Cuckoo in Hungary: egg mimicry, egg recognition and antiparasite defence |
55 | Lengyel Szabolcs: Adoption of alien chicks in the Avocet: evolutionary aspects |
65 | Kenyeres András, Walter Wetstein és Szép Tibor: Individual recognition of corncrakes (Crex crex) by sound analysis |
71 | Bártol István és Csörgő Tibor: Dynamics of pair formation of the Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) on the basis of capture-recapture data |
79 | Németh Csaba: Habitat selection of the Red-breasted Flycather (Ficedula parva) in the Kőszeg Mountains, Western Hungary. |
87 | Bártol István és Lovászi Péter: Habitat selection and reproductive success of the Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) in the Kiskunság area. |
93 | Molnár Gyula: The breeding of the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus), Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) in artificial nest boxes in the Dél-Alföld region. |
99 | Kelemen Márton, Halmos Gergő és Csörgő Tibor: The postnuptial moult of Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) |
111 | Hulló István és Gergely József: Data on the moulting strategy of the Moustached Warbler, Acrocephalus melanopogon (Temminck, 1823) |
115 | Halmos Gergő, Kováts László, Vadász Csaba és Csörgő Tibor: The autumn migration of the Hume's Yellow Browed Warbler (Phylloscopus humei) in the Altai-Mountains, Mongolia |
123 | Vadász Csaba, Halmos Gergő, Kováts László és Csörgő Tibor: Fall migration of the Isabelline Shrike (Lanius isabellinus) in West Mongolia |
129 | Csörgő Tibor és Halmos Gergő: Spring migration of the Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) in Tunisia. |
137 | Csörgő Tibor és Kelemen A. Márton: Autumn migration of Paddyfield Warbler, Acrocephalus agricola in the Danube delta region. |
141 | Csörgő Tibor, Miklay György és Halmos Gergő: Migration of Acrocephalus species along the coast of the Black Sea |
149 | Halmos Gergő és Csörgő Tibor: Migration and wintering of finches (Fringillidae) in the Charpatian Basin on the basis of foreign recoveries |
153 | Csörgő Tibor és Parádi István: Autumn migration of Red-backed Shrike (Lanius Collurio) in Hungary |
163 | Csörgő Tibor és Karcza Zsolt: Autumn migration and wintering of Treecreeper species (Certhia spp) in Hungary |
171 | Kováts László, Csörgő Tibor és Palkó Sándor: Autumn migration and wintering of the Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) in different habitats of the Carpathian Basin |
177 | Gáti Eszter, Báldi András és Palkó Sándor: Effects of water level increase on the breeding passerine bird communities in the Kis-Balaton marshland between 1994 and 1997 |
183 | Füri András: Breeding bird communities in the reedbeds of the Hajta stream, Central Hungary |
191 | Batáry Péter és Báldi András: Survival of artificial clutches in reedbed edges and interiors |
197 | Ardelean Gavril és Béres József: A general overview of the bird fauna of Maramures, Romania |
211 | Béres József és Ardelean Gavril: The bird fauna of the Pietros Biosphere Reserve of the Rodnei Mountains, Romania |
219 | Kanyó Béla: Bird fauna of Apatin (Yugoslavia) in the 20th century |
225 | Rékási József: A study of the White Stork population of North Bácska in 1999 |
231 | Molnár Gy., Soós K., Kosznai N., Juhász A., Petri A., Tóth R., Molnár J., Gáspár L., Vetró O. és Gálfi M.: Effects of halogenic hydrocarbon chemicals on bird' eggs: a base experiment with chlorobenzenes |
237 | Péchy Tamás: Status of the Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) between the Duna and Tisza rivers based on distribution, population and habitat studies from 1994 to 1999 |
243 | Németh Csaba: Small mammal communities in the tree hedges of the Lajta Project |
255 | Báldi András: Avian science and the MME/BirdLife Hungary |