1 | Lovászi Péter: Status of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Hungary: results of national censuses between 1941 and 1994 |
9 | Horváth Róbert és Szép Tibor: Population decrease of the Dipper in Hungary |
17 | Csörgő Tibor, Karcza Zsolt és Palkó Sándor: Monitoring environmental changes with passerine birds |
27 | Bőhm András és Szinai Péter: Population indices for Hungarian breeding passerine birds between 1988-1995 |
33 | Moskát Csaba: Application of multivariate statistical methods in bird habitat selection studies |
41 | Báldi András: Review of the models and theories of the species-area relationship |
49 | Jánoska Ferenc: Breeding bird communities of forest belts in the Kisalföld, Hungary |
59 | Boros Emil: Spatial pattern of breeding habitats of three wader species at two saline lakes |
69 | Karcza Zsolt és Csörgő Tibor: Moult dynamics and its allometry in the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) |
79 | Miklay György és Csörgő Tibor: What controls the sex ratio of Goldcrests Regulus regulus? |
87 | Kelen Balázs: The variation according to weather conditions in the food of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) |
95 | Szabó Balázs: Data for the burden caused by lead and cadmium in wildfowls: the study of differences between the sexes and the species |
101 | Legány András: The role of fish ponds in the preservation of aquatic and wetland birds |
113 | Füri András és Urbán Sándor: Ornithological evaluation of the Tápió region, central Hungary |
119 | Molnár Gyula: Breeding biology and foraging of Rollers (Coracias garrulus) nesting in nset-boxes |
125 | Füri András és Csihar László: Ornithological issues and habitat restoration in the Duna-Ipoly National Park |
133 | Boldogh Sándor: Studies for the effective protection of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, NE Hungary |
137 | Csörgő Tibor és Karcza Zsolt: Migration of the Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) |
145 | Szalai Kornál, Csörgő Tibor és Bank László: Autumn migration of Icterine Warbler (Hippolais icterina) in the Carpathian basin |
153 | Antli István és németh Csaba: Migration dinamics of Robin (Erithacus rubecula) in the Sopron-hills, Western Hungary |
163 | Gyurácz József, Károssy Csaba, Csörgő Tibor, Bank László és Palkó Sándor: Influence of the macrosynoptical weather situations on the autumn migration dynamics of the Sedge Warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) |
169 | Kováts László, Csörgő Tibor és Palkó Sándor: Migration and wintering of the Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus) in the Carpathian Basin |
177 | Varga Lajos és Csörgő Tibor: Is the migratory behaviour of Hungarian Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) changing? |
187 | Móra Veronika, Csörgő Tibor és Karcza Zsolt: Survival of Blackbird (Turdus merula) populations in relation to its migaratory status |
199 | Sziani Péter: Recoveries of Black-headed Gulls (Larus ridibundus L.) from Rétszilas, Hungary |
205 | Rékási József, Kiss János Botond, Rózsa Lajos és Reiczigel Jenő: Ecology of avian lice (Mallophaga) and the effects of host coloniality |
211 | Balogh János: On the occurence and foraging of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Zemplén-Mountains |
215 | Firmánszky Gábor: Occurrence, nesting and conservation of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in the Zemlén-Muntains, NE Hungary |
219 | Béres József: The birds of the Upper Tisza river (Rumánia) |
225 | Gergely József: Bird ringing at the Lake Ludas (1985-1994) |
227 | Ludvig Éva: The phenomenon of hatching asynchrony and different hypotheses for its evolution |
229 | Urbán Sándor: Nesting ecology of the Roller (Coracias garrulus) |
231 | Széll Antal és Bakacsi Gábor: Breeding of the Meditterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus Temm. 1918) in Hunagry |
233 | Solti Béla: Osteometric comparasion of the small European falcons |